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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All About This Kindergarten Teacher: Kinder Tribe First Linky Party!

This wonderful group that has started over Facebook and through the Kinder Tribe blog is Ah-mazing! So much support, collaboration, advice, and honestly internet friendships through Facebook and the blog! 

Kinder Tribe has put together this fun Linky Party to get to know each other better!

There are so many things I am excited about, between being a first year teacher and working in a district that is going to full-day kindergarten this year! I also should have added coffee to the things I cannot live without. I might be slightly addicted to Starbucks, blame it on living in Washington =)!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Surgery & Setting Up a Classroom

How to organize my library.

What to hang on my walls.

Groupings of tables.

Door decorations.

Curriculum to unpack.

Items to sort.

Centers and stations to plan and set up.

These are just a few things on this NEW teacher's list of things I wanted to get done over the summer. I couldn't wait for the day I got my key and could get into my room. My mind was racing with ideas, not knowing what to start on first, when a haunting injury comes back and needs to be operated immediately. This injury prevented me from doing my job, this injury prevented me from having a normal life, this injury had prevented me from living the life I wanted. I thought it was taken care of when it was operated on LAST summer. But alas, the fine print, the original surgery may result in subsequent surgeries became my reality.

So I put on my bravest face Friday (trust me, in this photo it was all I could do but to cry. I was a HOT MESS).

And now I have a few weeks of this and only this:

I'm still worrying about the ever growing list that I mentioned above. But now I'm worrying about it without being able to do anything about it. And my ever-loving Pinterest has become my enemy, causing my list to grow.

I will have to break down and become a delegator. There is no way I can get it done by myself when I am temporarily handicapped. The saying "It takes a village to raise a child" definitely applies here. And I'll need my village. However, it will get done and I will have the best start of the new school year. Hopefully with a feeling like new ankle!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Firsts of Firsts

In May I graduated from Wasington State University after being a preschool teacher and kindergarten educational aide for 5 years (the first first). Before graduation I was offered a job in my local district as a kindergarten teacher (another first), with the whole district implementing full-day kindergarten (a BIG first for many people)! The district was also sending me the SDE I Teach K conference in Las Vegas (first work conference out of town!).

Aside from the many firsts that I will encounter in my new career, starting a teaching blog is a HUGE first for me. I have been inspired by SO many wonderful teacher blogs throughout the years and through my college education. Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard, Lindsay from Miss Johnston's Journey, Abby from The Inspired Apple, Dede Wills from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten, just to name a FEW (and thank you). 

So STAY TUNED! Posts and pictures to come from this first year teacher setting up my classroom!