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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Firsts of Firsts

In May I graduated from Wasington State University after being a preschool teacher and kindergarten educational aide for 5 years (the first first). Before graduation I was offered a job in my local district as a kindergarten teacher (another first), with the whole district implementing full-day kindergarten (a BIG first for many people)! The district was also sending me the SDE I Teach K conference in Las Vegas (first work conference out of town!).

Aside from the many firsts that I will encounter in my new career, starting a teaching blog is a HUGE first for me. I have been inspired by SO many wonderful teacher blogs throughout the years and through my college education. Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard, Lindsay from Miss Johnston's Journey, Abby from The Inspired Apple, Dede Wills from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten, just to name a FEW (and thank you). 

So STAY TUNED! Posts and pictures to come from this first year teacher setting up my classroom!


  1. Another feather in your cap. Keep,up the great work, Lisa! Love you and believe in you, Mary

  2. Yay!!! It looks GREAT!!!!!

    Have fun with it!
